I want you to know that I am so very thankful that you took the time to visit my blog! I created it just for you!
Like I said in my Thank-You note, I am truly grateful for the time that I was able to work at Mouser Electronics, it was a fantastic experience! The people that I was so blessed to work with and around are an absolutely delightful group that really knows how to make a workplace feel like home! I owe each and everyone at Mouser a gigantic thank you!
The reason I created this blog is for my feeble 11th hour attempt to share my faith in Jesus Christ with you, and tell you the good news called the Gospel.
You may be thinking to yourself, "Weird, we really didn't ever talk and now she wants to get religous with me via cyber space?!" Well, Shame on me! I have no good excuse for not taking the time to get to know you and share this with you in person. I am truly sorry for failing you and God. I hope you will still read on and give me another chance to tell the truth. This is too important.
Others of you may be able to say that you and I did talk regularly, and if that is so...I am fairly confident that you know about my relationship with Jesus Christ, but I have never explained to you that Jesus desires to have a relationship with you too, and how you can have one. Again shame on me! I should have, it is my greatest privilege, highest calling, and most urgent responsibility to share the good news that Jesus who change me and saved me wants to do the same for you! I am so sorry for being so weak that I did not tell you what I know that I should have! Please read on.
And then there are those of you who I actually have talked to you about my faith and I have shared the good news with you. Maybe it was only once, maybe it has been several times, and you still do not believe that you need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, that you do not need to make him Lord of your life, that you do not believe that you are in need of a savior. Please hear me. You do, we all do, and he is waiting for you. Please reconsider. I hope you will continue reading this to the end. Please read my story.
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