After much thought and prayer, and a reasonable amount of urging by the Holy Spirit, we have been blessed to have an "addition" to our family...
Not a new baby, and we have not adopted (yet-wink wink) a child into our family. We have decided to sponsor a child through Compassion International. His name is Nshimiyamana, and he lives in Rwanda. He is the cutest little thing and we look forward to seeing him grow into a man that knows and loves the Lord. Through Compassion we know that he will receive food, the opportunity to go to school, medical help and most importantly the life giving Gospel! We do hope one day to meet him in person, but for now we will pray for him and his mom every day, and exchange letters with him. God is so good, within 24 hours of picking his packet off a table in a dark arena during an evangelistic event, where all I told the Compassion volunteer was "the Lord has lain a boy in Africa on my heart"...without thought to which, I picked up one at "random" allowing the Lord to chose... God placed love in my heart for Nshimiyamana. Only God can do that, only God and a willing heart. Please consider going to compassion.com and praying about becoming a sponsor to a child and give them hope, and let God give you love.